Advancing the Kingdom of God

“Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth [now] as it is in heaven” (Matt 6:10). The Gospel is the good news that the Kingdom of God has come and everyone who believes in Jesus is welcomed and ushered into this compassionate realm of God. As believers, we are called, commissioned, and empowered to advance the Kingdom of God in our world. The Kingdom progresses and grows as we share this good news with those around us. Join us as we explore the intriguing and supernatural work of expanding the Kingdom of God all around us.

Advancing the Kingdom of God
Pastor Mark McLellan

The Trinity: Three Persons, One God

Shema! Hear O Israel, The Lord our God, The Lord is one! This statement is packed with revelation of who God is. It is the cornerstone of Judaism and Christianity. Every believer needs to lay hold of this statement and meditate on it. It is the bedrock of our faith. Join us as we take a deep dive into this beautiful and transformational revelation of who God is.

The Trinity: Three Persons, One God
Pastor Mark McLellan

The Power of Forgiveness

Guilt and shame are powerful, deadly poisons that will destroy your life. We have all danced with these forces as part of the human condition of sin and its depravity. Some of us are still bound up and reeling with the destruction that unforgiveness bring. Is freedom from these devastating powers possible? Can we find liberation and peace from the storms of remorse and disgrace? Join us as we present the Biblical solution to guilt and shame.

The Power of Forgiveness
Pastor Mark

The Sabbath and the Gentiles

The Sabbath is the fourth of ten commandments spoken by God Himself and written with His own finger. The ten commandments were given to His chosen and treasured people Israel. The Sabbath is a sign that identifies Israel as belonging to the Lord and the Lord belonging to Israel. But what about the Gentiles who believe in the Lord and want a relationship with Him? Does He make a separate and different covenant with them?Join us as we explore the relationship of the Gentiles with the God of Israel and His chosen people.

The Sabbath and the Gentiles
Pastor Mark

Is Sunday the New Sabbath?

Jesus observed and celebrated the Biblical Sabbath (rather than Sunday) His entire life (Lk 4:16)! The Apostles also observed and celebrated Sabbath rather than Sunday! In fact, the entire church (Jews and Gentiles) in the Apostolic era also observed and celebrated the Sabbath as the weekly day of worship rather than Sunday. So, what happened? How did Sunday come to replace the biblical Sabbath for most Christians? Join us as we explore the main reasons why Catholic and Protestant Christians justify Sunday as the replacement for the Biblical Sabbath.

Is Sunday the New Sabbath?
Pastor Mark

Stairway to Heaven

In 2019, iHeart Radio listed the top ten funeral rock songs. The number one, most popular funeral song was Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven. Why? it is probably related to the fact that deep inside every heart is the longing to connect with spiritual realm. Innately, we all know that the spiritual realm is the eternal one where everything is redeemed, reconciled, and made whole. Everyone wants to get there and many have different ideas about how to get there. Today we will look at the Stairway to Heaven as found in the Biblical text.

Stairway to Heaven
Pastor Mark

The Revelation of Hanukkah

Jesus not only fulfills the biblical holy days but He also fulfills an important national holiday called Hanukkah. By the first century, Hanukkah became known as the Festival of Lights symbolizing illumination, and revelation. During this festival, Jesus reveals that He and the Father are one! This revelation would usher in transformational life and blessing for all who would receive it. Today we will conclude our series on Hanukkah by exploring this unity between the Father and the Son.

The Revelation of Hanukkah
Pastor Mark

The Illumination of Hanukkah

Illumination brings an awakening to that which is real, true, and transformative. It is like turning on a light in a dark room. Spiritual illumination is not only being awakened to the spiritual and eternal realm but also being transformed by the power of this kingdom. Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Light, is the very season that marks the revelation of who Jesus is. Join us as we are illuminated with the revelation of Jesus in the Temple, at Jerusalem, during the Celebration of Lights.

The Illumination of Hanukkah
Pastor Mark

The Inspiration of Hanukkah

Hanukkah has been overlooked by the traditional Gentile Church for nearly 2000 years! It has neglected its importance, failing to recognize that Hanukkah is inextricably connected with Jesus and His Mission. One cannot separate the meaning of Hanukkah from who Jesus is. He is the inaugural fulfillment of its revelation and significance. The themes and lessons of Hanukkah are universal and it inspires us to believe in Jesus staying loyal to God’s law. Join us in our dance with this ancient song and story of Hanukkah! You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free!

The Inspiration of Hanukkah
Pastor Mark

The Great Dragon Attacks Israel

In our first teaching, we learned from Revelation 12 that the dragon is Satan, the woman is Israel, and the child is the promised Messiah. In our second teaching, we learned about Satan’s first defeat. After the Great Red Dragon’s defeat, he is hurled to the earth where, in rage, he pursues Israel and the followers of Jesus. However, God intervenes and gives to Israel and the Gentiles who believe in Messiah, all they need to persevere and overcome this greatest of dragons! Join us as we conclude our journey through Revelation 12.

Weekly Service - Audio

The Great Dragon Attacks Israel
Pastor Mark McLellan

The Great Red Dragons' First Defeat

In our first teaching, we learned from Revelation 12 that the dragon is Satan, the woman is Israel, and the child is the promised Messiah. Satan’s focus is on killing the woman (Israel) and her child (Messiah) which are depicted in prophetic, astral symbols and imagery. He does all that he can though his army of fallen angels to destroy her and her baby. Join us in this teaching as we learn about Satan's first defeat and lessons in Revelation 12 which are key to persevering and overcoming the great red dragon today.

Weekly Service - Audio

The Great Red Dragon's First Defeat
Pastor Mark McLellan

Special Guest Speaker: Rabbi Alex Yalenga

Join us for a special teaching from Rabbi Alex Yalenga from Zambia Messianic Fellowship. You can learn more about his ministry here:

Weekly Service - Audio

Special Guest Speaker: Rabbi Alex Yalenga
Pastor Mark McLellan ft. Rabbi Alex Yalenga

The Great Red Dragon

You have an enemy. He is the ancient serpent, the evil one, the great red dragon. He is most widely known as Satan or the Devil. He has wisdom, power, a kingdom, and an army of fallen angels and demons at his behest. From the beginning, Jesus said he is a liar and a murderer. One of his greatest lies is to get the masses to believe that he, his kingdom, and his agenda does not exist. But the Sacred Scriptures expose him for who he is. The Bible reveals his agenda, his aspirations, and his threat to everyone who believes in Jesus and commit themselves to God’s commandments. Join us in the series on the Great Red Dragon. In this sermon, we will be studying Revelation 12.

Weekly Service - Audio

The Great Red Dragon
Pastor Mark McLellan

Halloween: The Fellowship of Darkness

One of the core themes of Biblical literature is the concept of “holiness”. Holiness includes holy days which is our topic of discussion for today. The world has its holy days and holy seasons, and God has His. Furthermore, God has commanded His people to forsake pagan days such as Halloween and embrace His deeply spiritual days. Join us as we look at why we are to separate ourselves from celebrating or participating in the pagan days embedded in our culture.

Weekly Service - Audio

Halloween: The Fellowship of Darkness
Pastor Mark McLellan

Israel and the Day of Atonement

The Day of Atonement is a revelation of how God will forgive and remove the sins of Israel. He will do this because He loves His people. We also learn that what he offers Israel, He offers to the nations as well. This is good news! As Paul summarizes it, this good news “is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek" (Rom 1:16). Obviously, Israel as a nation, rejected this offer. What does that mean? Has God now rejected her and replaced her with Gentile believers? And what about the promises that God made to her as a nation? The good news is that “all Israel shall be saved” (Rom 11:26). Join us as we look into the consummate Yom Kippur wherein Israel as a nation comes to faith and not only receives forgiveness, but everything that God ever promised her.

Weekly Service - Audio

Israel and the Day of Atonement
Pastor Mark McLellan

The Eschatological Eighth Day

God gave us a Calendar that reveals who Jesus is and what He will do for us. This calendar helps define and govern our lives. Today we will look at the last holy day in God's Calendar. The last holy day on God’s Calendar is simply and mysteriously referred to by Moses as “the eighth day”. Very little is initially said about it. But as time unfolds, the revelation of this day explodes with meaning. In Jesus, there is an inaugural fulfillment in His first advent, and there will be a consummate fulfillment in His second advent! Join us as we step into the reality of the inaugural fulfillment of the eschatological Eighth Day!

Weekly Service - Audio

The Eschatological Eighth Day
Pastor Mark McLellan

The Biblical Calendar – Tabernacles Part 2

God gave us a Calendar that reveals who Jesus is and what He will do for us. This calendar helps define and govern our lives. Today we will look at the holy week of Tabernacles. Tabernacles are a symbol of God’s faithful presence among us and in us. It’s a week of great joy, perhaps greater joy than any other holy day! Why? Because the holy week of Tabernacles is the theological setting for the birth of Jesus the Messiah! It is this week that we memorialize and celebrate the incarnation of God. It is the very reason we call Jesus, Immanuel, for it means God with us! Tune in to part two as we take a closer look at the birth of Messiah as the inaugural fulfillment of the holy week called tabernacles.

Weekly Service - Audio

The Biblical Calendar – Tabernacles Part 2
Pastor Mark McLellan

The Biblical Calendar – Tabernacles

God gave us a Calendar that reveals who Jesus is and what He will do for us. This calendar helps define and govern our lives. Today we will look at the holy week of Tabernacles. Tabernacles are a symbol of God’s faithful presence among us and in us. It’s a week of great joy, perhaps greater joy than any other holy day! Why? Because the holy week of Tabernacles is the theological setting for the birth of Jesus the Messiah! It is this week that we memorialize and celebrate the incarnation of God. It is the very reason we call Jesus, Immanuel, for it means God with us! Thanks for joining us in our celebration of the birth of Messiah as the inaugural fulfillment of the holy week called Tabernacles.

Weekly Service - Audio

The Biblical Calendar – Tabernacles
Pastor Mark McLellan