The Millennium Series: Part 3

The Millennium series continues as we study Revelation chapter 20 and focus on a unique perspective of the second millennium reign of Christ. In this episode, Pastor Marks and Justin introduce the concept of the “consummated reign of Jesus”—a reign that brings the fullness of God’s kingdom to Earth. While this view isn’t widely held, it offers a cohesive understanding of the text that many other interpretations struggle to explain. Instead of getting caught up in debates over when and how long Jesus reigns, we explore a perspective that remains faithful to the text and the ultimate goal of “getting scrolled.” As we unpack the implications of this reign, we’ll equip you with essential hermeneutical tools to study apocalyptic literature and interpret the Bible with clarity. Join us as we lay the foundation for a deeper understanding of Revelation and help you grow in your knowledge of Scripture.

The Millennium Series: Part 3
Pastor Mark ft. Pastor Justin

The Millennium Series: Part 2

The Millennium series continues with Part 2! In this episode, we explore the first three verses of Revelation 20, the pivotal chapter that sparks debates over the meaning and fulfillment of Jesus’ 1,000-year reign. Exegeting the Bible, especially apocalyptic literature, requires careful study to avoid misinterpretation. Pastors Mark and Justin are here to equip you with essential tools to approach the Word of God with clarity. They'll walk you through key concepts like identifying hyperlinks in the text, understanding the balance between literal interpretation and symbolic apocalyptic visions, and why it’s so crucial to approach Revelation with both insight and reverence. As we examine the opening of chapter 20, listeners will begin to unravel layers of rich symbolism within the text—from keys to the gates of Hell to a great chain binding Satan.

The Millennium Series: Part 2
Pastor Mark ft. Pastor Justin

The Millennium Series: Part 1

Dragons, wise men, mystical symbols, a cosmic battle between good and evil, and the thrilling return of Jesus as King—Revelation is packed with imagery that has sparked centuries of speculation. But among its most debated topics is the Millennial reign of Jesus. Theologians argue about what this thousand-year period really means, with the most popular views being premillennialism, postmillennialism, and amillennialism. Yet, in this series, we’ll introduce a thought-provoking fourth perspective!

Join Pastors Mark and Justin as they begin studying Revelation 20, unraveling the intricacies of the Millennial reign, and highlighting where each of the traditional views falter. In this first episode, we lay the groundwork by exploring the key theological terms and explaining the core differences between the three major interpretations which will set the stage for a potential new way to harmonize the text: could John’s vision actually suggest two distinct reigns of Jesus? Tune in to uncover the answer and begin your journey through one of the Bible's most captivating mysteries!

The Millennium Series: Part 1
Pastor Mark ft. Pastor Justin

The Arminian Argument: Conditional Vs. Unconditional Salvation

In this second episode of our two part series, Pastors Mark and Justin continue their exploration of a vital theological question: Can a person lose their salvation? In Part 1, they dove into the Calvinist perspective on unconditional salvation, which asserts that once saved, a believer’s salvation is secure and cannot be lost, as it is entirely determined by God’s will. But if salvation is truly unconditional, what role do we, as individuals, play in our spiritual journey? Is faith genuine if it’s determined for us? These thought-provoking questions have led many to embrace the Arminian view of conditional salvation, which posits that salvation can be lost because of the free will God grants to each believer.

 With these two opposing perspectives in mind, it’s crucial for believers to carefully examine both sides and form their own conclusions on this pressing question: Can believers lose their salvation? More personally, Can you lose your salvation? Tune in as Pastors Mark and Justin guide you through the Arminian view of this theological question while encouraging you to reflect deeply on your faith and its implications.

The Arminian Argument: Conditional Vs. Unconditional Salvation
Pastor Mark ft. Pastor Justin

The Calvinist Argument: Conditional Vs. Unconditional Salvation

In this episode, we tackle one of the most debated questions in Christian theology: Can a person lose their salvation? This question has profound implications for how believers understand their relationship with God and their spiritual journey. Pastor Mark and Justin engage in a thoughtful discussion about whether salvation is conditional—relying on the believer’s ongoing faithfulness—or if it’s unconditional, guaranteed through God’s predestined plan. In this episode, we will explore the theological arguments of Calvinism, the biblical passages that shape this view, and how this understanding affects our daily walk with Christ.

The Calvinist Argument: Conditional Vs. Unconditional Salvation
Pastor Mark ft. Pastor Justin

The Healing Implications of Faith

In this episode, Pastors Mark and Justin explore the powerful connection between faith and healing. They unpack the story of a woman in the Bible who suffered for years with an incurable condition—seeking countless treatments and doctors—but found no relief until she touched the hem of Jesus' garment. Her miraculous healing came through a simple act of faith, and it is a story that resonates with so many who are struggling with their own personal pain and health challenges. But what does this mean for us today? How does faith really play a role in our own healing journeys? Join us as we offer insights into how our belief in the Lord can transform our struggles into testimonies of hope.

The Healing Implications of Faith
Pastor Mark ft. Pastor Justin

The Lord of Healing

The mystery of healing has fascinated people for generations. From personal testimonies and Hollywood dramatizations to scientific attempts to explain or disprove miracles, healing sparks curiosity and debate among believers and skeptics alike. Throughout the Bible, God’s healing power is on full display. In the Old Testament, the Israelites were spared from the diseases of Egypt, and in the New Testament Jesus healed countless individuals of every ailment, offering restoration to those who approached Him in faith. 

But what about today? Are miraculous healings a thing of the past or is God still at work as the ultimate healer? In this episode, we dive into the nature of God as our healer and explore how we can connect with His power to bring transformation and wholeness into our lives.

The Lord of Healing
Pastor Mark ft. Pastor Justin

Jew or Gentile: Addressing Identity

Identity is a central theme in today’s American culture. Questions like "Who am I?" and "Who was I meant to be?" have become more relevant than ever. In the Bible, the Jewish people are described as God's chosen and treasured people, raising profound questions about identity and belonging. Today, many individuals turn to DNA tests to determine if they have Jewish ancestry, but is this an appropriate approach? Additionally, some wonder if those who follow the Torah might be part of the lost tribes of Israel and therefore considered Jewish.

During the time of the Apostles, a recurring theological debate arose about the significance of Jewish identity and how to include Gentiles in the faith. Paul, however, directly addressed whether to fully embrace God’s household believers should convert to become Jewish or remain true to their own ethnicity. In this episode, we delve into these complex questions of identity and explore how believers can embrace who they were created to be.

Jew or Gentile: Addressing Identity
Pastor Mark ft. Pastor Justin

A Defense of General Revelation

In this episode, we explore the crucial question: Can someone be saved if they never hear about Jesus? As believers, we are called to share the Gospel, stepping outside our comfort zones to reach those who may or may not know who Christ is. But the idea that every person on earth has been exposed to the Good News seems almost impossible to grasp. This brings us to an important apologetic dilemma, one that raises tough questions for both believers and non-believers alike. Join us as we break down key arguments and discuss the terminology used by theologians today to navigate this complex issue.

A Defense of General Revelation
Pastor Mark ft. Pastor Justin

Wrestling with God

Jacob wrestling with God is a mystifying and intriguing Bible story. How is it possible for a man to "win" in a wrestling match against the Creator of the universe? And if Moses was warned that seeing God's face would lead to certain death, why didn't Jacob die when he wrestled with Him? These are crucial questions that need to be unpacked in their proper context

In this episode, Pastors Mark and Justin exegete the powerful account of Jacob’s wrestling match with God, offering insights into the nature of the Angel of the Lord and the profound revelations hidden in these encounters. By the end, you'll have a clearer understanding of how God chooses to reveal Himself—and whether a mortal man can truly overcome the Almighty in a wrestling match. Tune in for a thought-provoking exploration of one of Scripture's most mysterious moments!

Wrestling with God
Pastor Mark ft. Pastor Justin

'Tis the Season (of Hanukkah)

‘Tis the Hanukkah season—a time of lights, joy, and wonder. But have you ever wondered why this holiday has been so significant for thousands of years? Or question if Jesus celebrated Hanukkah if it’s only a Jewish tradition? In this episode, we explore the origins of Hanukkah—a powerful story of struggle, revolution, and the reclaiming of the Torah. We’ll unpack the deeper meaning behind this holiday and how it offers us an opportunity to rededicate ourselves and reignite our walk with Jesus. Join us and uncover the rich history and spiritual significance of Hanukkah!

'Tis the Season (of Hanukkah)
Pastor Mark ft. Pastor Justin

The Firstborn Dilemma

When Americans hear the word "firstborn," they often think of the eldest child—someone who grows up with first-time parents and becomes the guinea pig as the family navigates parenting. But in the Bible, the term firstborn carries a much deeper significance. In this episode, we explore the meaning behind Jesus being called the "firstborn son of the Father." Is the Bible suggesting that Jesus was created by the Father, making Him the first physical-born child and thus implying He is not eternal? Or is there a broader, more profound interpretation than our typical American perspective? Join us as we dive into the different meanings of "firstborn" in Scripture and how Jesus fulfills these rich, multifaceted implications.

The Firstborn Dilemma
Pastor Mark ft. Pastor Justin

Beyond Replacement Theology: A New Look at Israel and the Church

Israel is once again at the center of global attention, with the world watching to see what will happen next. In the Bible, Israel is depicted not only as a nation but also as a people and even an individual man. But what does Israel mean today? Many in the church hold the view that Israel has been replaced—either by the church as the new bride of Christ, or by the church fulfilling God’s will while Israel exists as a separate nation outside of God’s covenant people. Both interpretations can be confusing, especially when considering biblical books like Jeremiah, which speak of a renewed covenant with Israel. These theological frameworks raise more questions than answers. In this episode, Pastor Mark and Justin offer a fresh perspective, challenging traditional views and introducing a new theological approach that honors Israel while fully embracing the New Covenant as the true path to salvation. Tune in as they break down this complex issue and explore a more nuanced understanding of God's promises.

Beyond Replacement Theology: A New Look at Israel and the Church
Pastor Mark ft. Pastor Justin

The Original Sin

In the beginning, God created a perfect world and placed Adam and Eve in a garden overflowing with beauty and divine provision. Imagine walking in the cool of the evening alongside the Creator of all things—it sounds almost too incredible to be true. Yet, within this paradise, the Serpent lay in wait, ready to seize the moment and introduce sin into the world.

In this podcast, we explore the story of humanity’s first sin and its far-reaching implications. How does this pivotal moment in Scripture shape our understanding of the human condition today? Join us as we examine the theological concept of original sin, its enduring impact over centuries, and how we, as believers, are called to respond in our daily lives.

The Original Sin
Pastor Mark ft. Pastor Justin

Visions in the Night

What if the dreams you have aren’t just random thoughts or fleeting images? What if they are messages? Throughout history, God has used dreams to speak to men, rulers, prophets, and even to protect the Savior of the world. But does He still communicate with us in this way today? Are our dreams simply products of our subconscious, or could they be a deeper, divine invitation? In this thought-provoking episode, we explore the Biblical foundation of dreams and challenge you to consider how God might still be using them to guide, warn, and inspire us in our modern lives. Prepare to rethink the way you see your dreams—and discover how they might carry more meaning than you ever imagined.

Visions in the Night
Pastor Mark ft. Pastor Justin

Is Hell Eternal?

For nearly 2,000 years, the doctrine of eternal Hell has shaped traditional Christian beliefs. But today, many are grappling with a challenging question: How can a “good” person who doesn't accept Jesus face eternal suffering? Is it fair? Can a merciful God truly allow such pain? Join Pastor Mark and Justin as they dive into this thought-provoking topic, unpacking the complexities of Hell and challenging long-held dogmas. Together, we’ll explore what Revelation calls the Lake of Fire and what it implies about the final destination for the wicked. Tune in for an engaging discussion that aims to deepen our understanding of faith, mercy, and the afterlife!

Is Hell Eternal?
Pastor Mark ft. Pastor Justin

Taking Care of the Orphan and More with Rabbi Alex Yalenga

Join us for an inspiring conversation with Rabbi Alex Yelenga a compassionate leader dedicated to sharing and spreading the Gospel from Lusaka, Zambia. Through his incredible ministry, Rabbi Alex cares for nearly 400 orphans, providing food, clothing, education, and sharing God’s Word to each child. In this episode, we dive into his mission and the profound impact it has, discuss the importance of caring for the fatherless, and talk about the significance of supporting Israel in challenging times. Rabbi Alex also shares about his work planting churches in areas deeply influenced by voodoo and other spiritual practices, bringing the Gospel to communities where it has never been shared before. Don’t miss this uplifting episode and Rabbi Alex’s message of hope and resilience.

Taking Care of the Orphan and More with Rabbi Alex Yalenga
Pastor Mark ft. Pastor Justin

Election Day and the American Church

Today, we're tackling a subject that often gets overlooked in American churches: the power of voting. Many congregations steer clear of politics, but why is that? Is it because we struggle to find candidates who are godly enough? Or do we believe that God's plan will unfold no matter our choices at the ballot box? If that's the case, should we just stay home while millions of Americans cast their votes?

We believe voting is a vital way to bring God's kingdom to earth. It might sound bold, but we encourage you to listen in—your perspective might just shift. Join us as we explore the intersection of faith and civic duty!

Election Day and the American Church
Pastor Mark ft. Pastor Justin

Trick or Truth?

As the witching hour approaches and spooky season envelops us in its chilling embrace, we're surrounded by skeletons, witches, and all things eerie. For those of us following Jesus, how do we navigate the Halloween culture that creeps in each year? Is there a way to repurpose this haunting season for good, or has it strayed too far into the shadows of evil? Join us as we delve into this topic, asking the pivotal question: Trick or Truth?

Trick or Truth?
Pastor Mark ft. Pastor Justin

Shemini Atzeret: New Beginnings

In this episode, we delve into the mysterious festival of Shemini Atzeret or the  "Eighth Day," which is the concluding celebration of the Fall Festivals. Scripture offers limited insights about this day shrouding it in mystery and inviting curiosity. Yet, using the rest of Scripture, we can uncover fascinating connections to Jesus and the concept of His new creation. Join Pastor Mark and Justin as they explore the various biblical connections, engage in thought-provoking discussions, and debate the deeper meanings of this overlooked feast and its implications for believers today.

Shemini Atzeret: New Beginnings
Pastor Mark ft. Pastor Justin