Spiritual Warfare: Holy Ground and Sacred Space

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

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Cosmic geographical domain theology represents the idea that the evil one and his hordes rule and reign over physical spaces. Those spaces include people and geography that once belonged to the Creator. Jesus represents the Creator’s Divine Invader who comes into our world to reclaim and redeem space and time. This work is cast in the metaphor of kingdom and war. It is the battle between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness, good and evil, righteousness and wickedness, right and wrong, truth and lies, the pure and impure,and the clean and the unclean. Not only is heaven and the underworld caught up in this struggle but so is the earth and everyone residing on it. Where are you in this conflict? What kingdom are you in? Are you sacred space or under the dominion of the evil one? Is your residence sacred space or is it occupied by harassing unclean spirits? Today we will take a closer look at the dynamics of reclaiming your being and your residence, making them sacred and peaceful spaces!

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