Feast of Tabernacles and the Birth of Yeshua
/Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide
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Probably the most joyous time of the year is the occasioned by the birth of the babe born in Bethlehem, Yeshua Ha Moshiach (Jesus the Christ), Son of God and Son of Man. It is a great mystery how God the Son became a human being through a divinely human conception. This was the inaugural fulfillment of the Festival of Tabernacles which memorializes and celebrates God’s promise to come and dwell in our in our midst. And He did come and dwelled with us, in a tabernacle of human flesh and blood, and we called Him Immanuel – God with us. The festival that marks His birth as the initial fulfillment of God’s dwelling presence among us is not December 25th, but rather, it is the Festival of Tabernacles! This is revealing and full of glory! Join us in the revelation of His birth in the fall and what that means for us who are called by His name.