Hanukkah and The Children of Light
/Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide
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Hanukkah has two very important and intertwined themes. One is faithful dedication to God and His ways and the other is light, symbolic of life and revelation. Both of these themes are more relevant than ever before. Our nation and world is blanketed with a pervasive darkness that grips, torments, and imprisons many souls. The nations’ only hope is the light of God. That light, which grants illumination, revelation, life, and liberty, is in fact, Yeshua the Messiah. He alone is the light of God and life of humanity. He came that we might escape the kingdom of darkness and rush into His Kingdom of Light! This is where Hanukkah’s theme of light is being actualized! Everyone who embraces Yeshua as the Light of God is delivered from the domain of Satan and brought into and under the rule and reign of God! In Yeshua we are dedicated to God and His salvation. In Yeshua, we become children of light. During this season of Hanukkah, re-embrace Yeshua, the Light and Revelation of God. Rededicate yourself to His ways and His commandments. This is the meaning and fullness of Hanukkah. Happy Hanukkah to one and all for Messiah has come and lit our hearts aflame for God and His Kingdom!