Five Types of Spiritual Leaders - Prophets

Weekly Service

We have been unpacking fivefold ministry as found in Ephesians 4. In our first teaching we explored the definition, role, and function of the Apostle. This week we will give an overview of the Prophet. Like the Apostle, there is a strong antecedent matrix for the Office of the Prophet. Both offices are needed in order to advance the Kingdom of Messiah on earth as it is in heaven. I think you will be pleasantly surprised in discovering why these types of leaders are so needed in building up the Church today.

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Five Types of Spiritual Leaders - Apostles

Weekly Service

When Yeshua was raised from the dead and later ascended into heaven leaving this earth behind to become King of kings and Lord of lords, He did not leave us without leadership and guidance. He made sure we would be cared for and equipped to carry on His work of redemption. He did this by giving us some amazing, gifted leaders to lead us. These are represented in Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, and Pastors, and Teachers. But what exactly do they do? How do they differ and at the same time connect? Are all these leaders with us today? If so, how would I recognize them? In this teaching we will begin the journey of exploring these and other questions regarding the five gifts of Messiah for His community.

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Pentecost - Speaking Boldly with Confidence

Weekly Service

Nearly two thousand years ago, Pentecost ignited a fire in the heart of believers that resulted in a confidence to speak truth boldly like never before. As we fill ourselves with the Holy Spirit, we too will find the courage and boldness to speak the truth in love. The world will lash out at us in baseless hatred while many will respond and be saved. This is the way it has always been and will be until Yeshua returns. So, let’s memorialize Pentecost this year by being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit as we join Yeshua in advancing His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. This is our heritage and legacy!

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Pentecost - Speaking on God’s Behalf to a Lost World

Weekly Service

We, the united and corporate representatives of King Jesus, are commissioned and empowered by Him to speak to a lost and crazy world about His love and redemption. Some will humbly and gratefully respond and they will experience the powerful and breathtaking transformation of God’s love. Others will be outraged and attack us for speaking the truth about their sin and alienation from God and His ways. However, we will not fear those who can only kill our bodies. In Messiah, we have an indestructible forever life! Therefore, we will face this angry and bizarre world with great courage and love as we speak truth to those in our paths. After all, we are God’s authentic and authoritative spokespersons. So, let’s speak up and speak out like never before!

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Pentecost - Freedom to Live Holy and Happy Lives

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Download: Pentecost - Freedom to Live Holy and Happy Lives

God saved a people from the dominion of slavery and misery. He then brought them out of that place of darkness into the light of Kingdom. He offered them a covenant to become His treasured people. He gave them His Law and the promised land called Israel. All of this was to prep them for the second and greater Pentecost where a new covenant with even better promises and better provisions would be offered to them. This new covenant would also usher in the beauty, glory, and power of the Holy Spirit. This empowering presence of God would enable people to live clean, and beautifully holy lives, free from the dominion of the uncleanness and defilement of sin and shame! This is what it means to be free! This is freedom! In this teaching we will explore what it means to be truly free.

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Freedom from the Tyranny of Lies

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Download: Freedom from the Tyranny of Lies

Egypt was a Kingdom immersed in lies and bondage. The Kingdom of Messiah is a Kingdom drenched in truth and freedom. If you desire and value liberty, get into the Kingdom of God now. You will not only find liberation from deception and misery, but you will also find everything your spirit longs for. Coming out of the Kingdom of falsehoods and into the Kingdom of truth is what Passover and Shavuot is all about.

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Where Do We Go After Egypt

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Dr. Randy Craig will continue last week's sermon of what it means to move from Egypt to the promised land spiritually. Once you have identified what cage you need to be released from, what next? What is the path to the land of promise?

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Coming Out of Our Egypt’s of Sin and Shame

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Download: Coming Out of Our Egypt’s of Sin and Shame

The exodus gives us a picture of what it means to come out of a kingdom of slavery and misery. It serves as a type and shadow of what it means to come out of the domain of sin and shame.  As believers who are saved by grace through faith in the blood of the lamb, this call to leave the realm of sin is key to our happiness. We are called to be holy now that God has made us His own possession. We will respond to that call and by the power of the Holy Spirit we will come out of our cages of sin.  If we do not, the Lord will bring us down low and even cut our lives short. This is the lesson of the exodus.  During the counting of the Omer, let us take seriously the call to holiness, and the offer of the power of the Holy Spirit to get us there.

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The Second Moses, the Second Passover, and the New Covenant Part 2

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

Download: The Second Moses, the Second Passover, and the New Covenant Part 2

In part one of this series, we looked at Yeshua as the prophesied second and greater Moses. We noted that He also ushered in and initiated the second and greater Passover through His death and resurrection. In Him we all are experiencing the forgiveness of our sins as well as a powerful exodus out of the domain of sin and shame. Today we will focus on the establishment of the long-awaited new covenant that Jeremiah as well as other prophets prophesied. The new covenant has replaced the old covenant! If you are not in the new covenant, you have no covenant! The old one is gone; it ceases to exist! Join us in part two of this series to learn more about the new covenant!

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The Second Moses, the Second Passover, and the New Covenant

Weekly Service

On Nissan the 14th we will be celebrating the Lord’s annual Passover! This is the Lord’s Passover in commemoration of Him as Savior and Redeemer. For Messianic Jews and Messianic Gentiles, it memorializes the first physical deliverance from physical slavery and death, as well as the second and greater deliverance from the dominion of sin, shame, and spiritual death. The first Passover was accomplished by Moses, and the second and greater Passover was accomplished by the second and greater Moses, Yeshua the Messiah! In the second and greater Passover, the long-awaited new covenant was established, so that all the provisions and promises that were lost in former disobedience are now yes and amen in Yeshua the Messiah. It is with immeasurable joy, that we all in Messiah, will partake in our Passover Seders in honor of Yeshua, the Passover Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! Happy Passover!

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The Sign of Jonah and the Passover Connection

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Download: The Sign of Jonah and the Passover Connection

In our previous teachings we discovered that Yeshua, The Lamb of God, was crucified, died, and then was buried on Friday, Nissan the 15th before sunset. We also noted that He rose on the 3rd day corresponding to Sunday, Nissan the 17th in fulfillment of First Fruits. The reoccurring question among many believers who do not understand the 1st century cultural Jewish context is, how do we reconcile this with the sign of Jonah being 3 full days and 3 full nights in the belly of the whale? In order for Jesus to fulfill the sign of Jonah, wouldn’t He need to be in the grave 72 hours? Our interpretation only has him in the grave for approximately 40 hours; from around 3pm Friday until around 5 am on Sunday. How do we reconcile this apparent contradiction? In today’s teaching we will solve this dilemma in a satisfying and credible way!

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The Crucifixion and the Passover Connection

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Download: The Crucifixion and the Passover Connection

In our previous teaching we discovered that Yeshua kept, observed, and ate a Passover meal at the appointed time on Nissan the 14th as it transitioned into the night if Nissan the 15th. In this teaching we will turn our attention to the crucifixion of Yeshua on the 15th day of Nissan, which corresponds to the 1st day of the 7 day festival known as Unleavened Bread. It is on this day that Yeshua, the long-awaited Lamb of God, would be sacrificed. This would be fulfillment of what the week of Passover foreshadowed.

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Jesus and the Passover Connection

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Download: Jesus and the Passover Connection

Jesus kept and observed the Passover. Ultimately, He fulfilled it in His death on the cross. That fulfillment transformed this Holyday in such a way that it would never be the same. Since that time, more and more people are referring to it as the second and greater Passover. As followers of Jesus, we too celebrate the biblical holydays of our Father in Heaven. Our annual celebration of Passover is full of joy and thanksgiving precisely because Jesus, the Lamb of God, died for us at Passover nearly 2000 years ago. As a result, we are forgiven and reconciled to God! This is why we keep and observe the Passover. It is in honor of Jesus, the Lamb of God! Today, we will explore Jesus, His connection to Passover, and what that means for our world.

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Purim and Providence Part 3

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Download: Purim and Providence Part 3

The story of Purim, as found in the book of Esther, reveals the sublime truth of the power of God’s hidden providence in bringing about His plans. Note carefully that not once is God mentioned in the entire 10-chapter book. Why? I believe you will find the story and the answer intriguing but, more importantly is the meaning and its applications for us today. This series will inspire and strengthen your faith in facing the challenges that are presenting themselves in 2021. Part three of this series will focus on when, why, and how God empowers His people to defend their lives, liberties, and properties from those who would try and take them away!

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Purim and Providence Part 2

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The story of Purim, as found in the book of Esther, reveals the sublime truth of the power of God’s hidden providence in bringing about His plans. Note carefully that not once is God mentioned in the entire 10-chapter book. Why? I believe you will find the story and the answer intriguing but, more importantly is the meaning and its applications for us today. This series will inspire and strengthen your faith in facing the challenges that are presenting themselves in 2021. Part two of this series focus will focus on how and why an obscure and common Jewish girl becoming Queen of Persia!

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Purim and Providence Part 1

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Download: Purim and Providence

The story of Purim, as found in the book of Esther, reveals the sublime truth of the power of God’s hidden providence in bringing about His plans. Note carefully that not once is God mentioned in the entire 10-chapter book. Why? I believe you will find the story and the answer intriguing but, more importantly is the meaning and its applications for us today. This series will inspire and strengthen your faith in facing the challenges that are presenting themselves in 2021.

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Navigating through the Storm Part 4

Weekly Service

In continuation of last week's sermon, we will look at one specific way we as the church can overcome – spiritual warfare. Effective spiritual warfare takes place when we place our trust and faith in Yeshua as our only Savior and King. Through His redemption we are born from above and empowered by the Holy Spirit to begin our journey back into the ancient paths of His commandments (Jer. 6:16​). As we discover, embrace, and walk out truth and righteousness as found in His Word, we experience liberty and victory over the evil one. This is a walk of faith. In fact, faith is one of our weapons in overcoming the enemy. In this teaching we will pick up last week’s insights into the nature of faith and how to use it effectively against the onslaught of evil in our lives and in our world.

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Navigating through the Storm Part 3

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Download: Navigating through the Storm Part 3

In continuation of last week's sermon, we will look at one specific way we as the church can overcome – spiritual warfare. Many are unfamiliar with what Biblical spiritual warfare means and how we as every day believers can engage in it. In this teaching, we will clarify what true and effective spiritual warfare is. The better we get at it, the better our lives and world ultimately becomes.

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Navigating through the Storm Part 2

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Download: Navigating through the Storm Part 2

2021 will mark the year of the cancel culture movement being weaponized and empowered through a frightening unity between big government and big business. Its goal will be to silence all would speak contrary to its ideologies and values. In the words of former U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler,

"disagree, and you will be canceled and not just your social media account, but your job, your family, your educational opportunities, even your God-given rights. Only those who meet their ideological purity test can claim moral superiority and retain their voice."

When big government joins with big business to silence and oppress people it becomes an unconstitutional hellish beast. In the end, it will destroy our nation and murder many of its people. The only entity that can stand between an immoral mega fiendish system and the people is the Ekklesia (Church)! With Yeshua as our head and all of heaven standing behind us, we can overcome this tyranny, even in its ugliest forms and greatest of powers! In this sermon, we will look at one specific way we as the church can overcome cancel culture – the armor of God.

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Character Profiles: Joseph Part 3

Weekly Service

In part three of this Character Profile series, we will look at the providence of God and how He turns Joseph’s misfortune around 180 degrees to the astonishment of Egypt’s elites. Through Joseph, God will give a plan that will save Egypt from destruction. In the end, Joseph will be identified by all of Egypt as the savior and sustainer of the world! It is in this that He is identified with the Messiah. From Joseph’s life we can better understand God’s desire to save, deliver, restore, and sustain life. All that we see in Joseph’s life will be brought into its fullness in the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Yeshua, son of Joseph! For He is the final and ultimate Lord and Savior of the world!

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