Character Profiles: Joseph Part 2

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In part two of this Character Profile series, we will look at how Joseph, the beloved, favored son of Jacob, ended up as a slave in Egypt. We will look his brothers betrayal and his alienation from everything he once knew. We will seek to see where God was in his story and Joseph's perseverance in his darkness. We will also discuss his ascension from a slave to one of the most powerful and influential persons in the inner circle of Pharaoh, King of Egypt, the super-power of the day. Join us in this journey of discovering the greatness of Joseph and the God he serves! We too will learn how to rise above our circumstances by trusting and following God’s lead and directions!

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Character Profiles: Joseph Part I

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Joseph is perhaps the clearest forerunner of Yeshua as the suffering Messiah. His story is filled with love, glory, pain, and disillusionment. In some respects, to one degree or another, our lives are similar to his life. We are connected to him and his people through Messiah. His story is our story. We can learn lessons from his life that will keep us from failing in our lives. This is one of the reasons that the story was written down and preserved for us. So, let’s dive into the drama and see what we can learn in order to better ourselves and the world we live in!

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Hanukkah and the War Between Light and Darkness Part 3

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Genesis 3:15 gives the prophecy and promise that the Messiah, who is the Light of God, will come and crush the head of the serpent, who later is identified as the great red dragon, the devil and Satan.  From that time on, until the serpent’s head is crushed, both heaven and earth are in an intense and relentless struggle between good and evil.  In His death, and descent into realm of the dead he triumphed over Satan and his angels. He took the keys of death away from Satan. He bound him rendering him powerless over the nations. However, at the end of the millennium, the dragon will be released and empowered for a short time to deceive the nations one last time.  Yeshua will then destroy the serpent (Satan) as symbolized in the crushing of his head. Today, we will conclude this teaching with the prophecy concerning the fate of the Serpent as found in Revelation 20:1-10.

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Hanukkah and the War Between Light and Darkness Part 2

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

Download: Hanukkah and the War Between Light and Darkness Part 2
Genesis 3:15 gives the prophecy and promise that the Messiah, who is the Light of God, will come and crush the head of the serpent, who later is identified as the great red dragon, the devil, and Satan. From that time on, until the serpent’s head is crushed, both heaven and earth are in an intense and relentless struggle between good and evil. This is often described in the figures of speech called light and darkness. Messiah’s Kingdom is even called the Kingdom of Light and the serpent’s kingdom is called the kingdom of darkness. In part one of this series, we noted that there was an inaugural fulfillment in Jesus' first advent of the ancient prophecy found in Genesis 3:15. In His death and descent into realm of the dead, he triumphed over Satan and his angels. He took the keys of death away from Satan. Jesus bound him rendering him powerless over the nations. However, at the end of the millennium, the dragon will be released and empowered for a short time to deceive the nations one last time. Jesus will then destroy the serpent (Satan) as symbolized in the crushing of his head. Today, we will continue our journey into this prophecy by taking a closer look at Revelation 20:4 and the verses that follow.

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Hanukkah and the War Between Light and Darkness

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

Download: Hanukkah and the War Between Light and Darkness
Hanukkah is also known as the Festival of Light. The theme of light in the celebration of Hanukkah celebrates the Jewish idea that God is light and that it is the Messiah who brings the light of God into our world. The Messiah is the Light of God who brings the revelation of God, the life of God, the salvation of God, and the judgment of God. In fact, there are ancient prophecies that Messiah, the Light of God, will come and crush the head of the Serpent. Seeing that Yeshua is the Messiah, did He fulfill the prophecy and crush the head of the Serpent when He came two thousand years ago? If not, when will He? In this teaching we will explore how this ancient prophecy unfolds over time and when it is fulfilled.

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Hanukkah and The Children of Light

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Download: Hanukkah and The Children of Light
Hanukkah has two very important and intertwined themes. One is faithful dedication to God and His ways and the other is light, symbolic of life and revelation. Both of these themes are more relevant than ever before. Our nation and world is blanketed with a pervasive darkness that grips, torments, and imprisons many souls. The nations’ only hope is the light of God. That light, which grants illumination, revelation, life, and liberty, is in fact, Yeshua the Messiah. He alone is the light of God and life of humanity. He came that we might escape the kingdom of darkness and rush into His Kingdom of Light! This is where Hanukkah’s theme of light is being actualized! Everyone who embraces Yeshua as the Light of God is delivered from the domain of Satan and brought into and under the rule and reign of God! In Yeshua we are dedicated to God and His salvation. In Yeshua, we become children of light. During this season of Hanukkah, re-embrace Yeshua, the Light and Revelation of God. Rededicate yourself to His ways and His commandments. This is the meaning and fullness of Hanukkah. Happy Hanukkah to one and all for Messiah has come and lit our hearts aflame for God and His Kingdom!

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Why Hanukkah Was Important to Jesus and Should Be to You Part 2

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Download: Why Hanukkah Was Important to Jesus and Should Be to You Part 2
Hanukkah is almost here! Hanukkah was and remains one of the most joyful celebrations in Israel’s history. Gentile Christians are starting to come to terms with the fact that Jesus is Jewish and salvation is of the Jews. They are realizing that they are grafted into a Jewish olive tree (Romans 11) and are full citizens in the Israel of God (Ephesians 2). Additionally, Christians are surprised to discover that Hanukkah is in the New Testament! They may not understand what it is nor why Jesus would be in Jerusalem during this festival, but their spiritual antennas seem to be up and they are becoming increasingly inquisitive. In this teaching we will unpack the mystery of the reference to Hanukkah in John 10:22-23. You will be pleasantly enlightened by the illumination of this Jewish Festival called Hanukkah!

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Why Hanukkah Was Important to Jesus and Should Be to You

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

Download: Why Hanukkah Was Important to Jesus and Should Be to You
Hanukkah is almost here! Hanukkah was and remains one of the most joyful celebrations in Israel’s history. Gentile Christians are starting to come to terms with the fact that Jesus is Jewish and salvation is of the Jews. They are realizing that they are grafted into a Jewish olive tree (Romans 11) and are full citizens in the Israel of God (Ephesians 2). Additionally, Christians are surprised to discover that Hanukkah is in the New Testament! They may not understand what it is nor why Jesus would be in Jerusalem during this festival, but their spiritual antennas seem to be up and they are becoming increasingly inquisitive. In this teaching we will unpack the mystery of the reference to Hanukkah in John 10:22-23. You will be pleasantly enlightened by the illumination of this Jewish Festival called Hanukkah!

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Halloween – Provoking the Lord to Jealousy

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Download: Halloween – Provoking the Lord to Jealousy
We are in the pagan season of Halloween. It is a very popular holiday and most everyone participates in it. Even the church joins in as they baptize this pagan day three times and Christianize it. But what does God say about it? Does he laugh and carve out a heavenly pumpkin as He readies all of heaven to join in? Or, is He moved to jealous anger as He watches His people party with the very demons who hate Him. In this teaching we will explore what the Lord says concerning this day and its traditions.

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How Adam and Eve Got It Wrong

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Download: How Adam and Eve Got It Wrong
Today, in the USA, we are more confused than ever before about gender and role assignments in marriage. There are groups that have and continue to re-define marriage, gender, and family in order to dismantle them. These ideas have permeated every area of society and are now being taught to our children at very early ages. They will ultimately defile and destroy our way of life. The answer to this significant issue is to re-orient, re-affirm, and re-establish Biblical truths and norms for marriage, gender, sexuality, and family. These are the building blocks of society and will open the floodgates of blessings for any nation that legislates them. In this teaching we will take a closer look at the role of wives and husbands within the realm of Biblical marriage. Let’s teach our children these truths, and let’s vote for leaders who are committed to legislating in alignment with the laws of nature and nature’s God! In this way we will bring blessing and peace to our families, communities, and nation.

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Feast of Tabernacles, the Eighth Day, and the New Creation

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Download: Feast of Tabernacles, the Eighth Day, and the New Creation
Salvation will be completed and perfected once and for all in those who believed in Yeshua Ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ. We shall then see the eternal and glorious God, face to face and behold His form and the Tabernacle of God will be among men in its truest and fullest sense. This is known as the cosmic eighth day, the day of new beginnings, the day that never ends, the eternal age. If you want to understand the future age and creation (Revelation 21), you will need to go back to where it all started (John 20).

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Feast of Tabernacles and the Birth of Yeshua

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Download: Feast of Tabernacles and the Birth of Yeshua
Probably the most joyous time of the year is the occasioned by the birth of the babe born in Bethlehem, Yeshua Ha Moshiach (Jesus the Christ), Son of God and Son of Man. It is a great mystery how God the Son became a human being through a divinely human conception. This was the inaugural fulfillment of the Festival of Tabernacles which memorializes and celebrates God’s promise to come and dwell in our in our midst. And He did come and dwelled with us, in a tabernacle of human flesh and blood, and we called Him Immanuel – God with us. The festival that marks His birth as the initial fulfillment of God’s dwelling presence among us is not December 25th, but rather, it is the Festival of Tabernacles! This is revealing and full of glory! Join us in the revelation of His birth in the fall and what that means for us who are called by His name.

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Yom Kippur and its Fulfillment in Yeshua

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

Download: Yom Kippur and its Fulfillment in Yeshua

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is the most holy of all the annual holy days. Like all of the holy days, Yom Kippur finds its initial and consummate fulfillment in Yeshua the Messiah. Nothing is as noteworthy as the crucifixion of Yeshua providing an atonement for the sin of the world. In Him, we are forgiven, cleansed, and reconciled to God! "O' happy day, when Jesus took my sins away!"

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Yom Teruah - Reminding God to Have Mercy On Us

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Download: Yom Teruah - Reminding God to Have Mercy On Us

If the fall holy days were a train, Yom Teruah would be its engine. This engine pulls us into the reality of God’s eschatological judgement where every soul that has ever lived will be judged in the return of His Son, Jesus. For each person, this will result in either a gracious, merciful, and overwhelmingly meaningful salvation, or a profoundly terrifying, agonizing, irreversible damnation! As we remember, keep, and celebrate Yom Teruah (the holy day of blowing shofar/trumpets), we are reminded of the inevitable return of King Jesus and the subsequent, quintessential, end-time judgement of the living and the dead. Interestingly, when we blow the shofar/trumpet, we also remind God to be merciful to us by granting salvation and blessing instead of the damnation that we all deserve. In the midst of all this there is also the Judgement Seat of Messiah, where we are made accountable for how we lived our lives in His grace. Thank you for joining us in this holy day of our God!

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Yom Teruah and The Trumpet of God

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Download: Yom Teruah and The Trumpet of God

The fall holy days start with Yom Teruah (The Day of Blowing Shofars/Trumpets). It is an annual holy day that falls from sunset to sunset and is a day of sounding the shofar/trumpet. The appointed time is a reminder to us that our King is a judge and a savior. He judges Israel and the nations by bringing chastisement to the unrepentant wicked and salvation and deliverance to those who humbly confess and forsake their sins as they place their ongoing faith in Yeshua the Messiah! Interestingly, the trumpet of God is symbolic of the Gospel and we are the angels who proclaim (sound) the good news of salvation to the unsaved and unrepentant as to escape the coming wrathful judgments against wickedness. In this teaching you will discover the revelation that you each are angels of God, commissioned to blow the trumpet of God (the Gospel of His Kingdom) to all those around you as He gathers all who will be saved through repentance and faith in Yeshua!

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Pagan Days or Your Father’s Holy Days

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Download: Pagan Days or Your Father’s Holy Days

Most Christians know very little about God’s annual holydays. Even though they are seen throughout the bible, they are ignored and sometimes even rejected by Christians. They have been told that they are for the Jews only. This has been the sad history of the Church. But things are changing. Many believers are having a renaissance with the Word of God. They are taking it seriously, and as a result are very interested in God’s redemptive calendar and holydays. Many churches and believers are coming back to an authentic faith, filled with celebration surrounding God’s great redemption which is memorialized in His holy days. Come and join us in this journey of redemption as we explore the themes of the holy days.

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The Breath of Life

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Download: The Breath of Life

God is the giver of all good gifts – life being chief among them. Those who receive life have the moral responsibility to thankfully receive it, cherish it, sustain it, guard it, and protect it. They also have the moral responsibility to hold everyone else’s’ lives as sacred as their own. This is the first and highest gift of God. In this teaching we will take a closer look at what life is. We know it is more than just breathing air, eating, and sleeping. In fact, without a proper view of life, we will descend into the abyss of self-interests, corruption, and death.

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The Mark of the Beast or the Mark of God Part 3

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Download: The Mark of the Beast or the Mark of God Part 3

In every great crisis, people get concerned about the mark of the beast. The mark of the beast is once again on the minds of believers due to the world-wide pandemic and social unrest. This week, we will be discussing the mark of the beast and addressing a few questions related to this topic. What is the mark of the beast and who receives it? What is the mark of the God and who receives it? Which mark do you have?

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