Yom Teruah and The Trumpet of God

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

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The fall holy days start with Yom Teruah (The Day of Blowing Shofars/Trumpets). It is an annual holy day that falls from sunset to sunset and is a day of sounding the shofar/trumpet. The appointed time is a reminder to us that our King is a judge and a savior. He judges Israel and the nations by bringing chastisement to the unrepentant wicked and salvation and deliverance to those who humbly confess and forsake their sins as they place their ongoing faith in Yeshua the Messiah! Interestingly, the trumpet of God is symbolic of the Gospel and we are the angels who proclaim (sound) the good news of salvation to the unsaved and unrepentant as to escape the coming wrathful judgments against wickedness. In this teaching you will discover the revelation that you each are angels of God, commissioned to blow the trumpet of God (the Gospel of His Kingdom) to all those around you as He gathers all who will be saved through repentance and faith in Yeshua!

Weekly Service - Video

Weekly Service - Audio