Yom Teruah - Reminding God to Have Mercy On Us
/Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide
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If the fall holy days were a train, Yom Teruah would be its engine. This engine pulls us into the reality of God’s eschatological judgement where every soul that has ever lived will be judged in the return of His Son, Jesus. For each person, this will result in either a gracious, merciful, and overwhelmingly meaningful salvation, or a profoundly terrifying, agonizing, irreversible damnation! As we remember, keep, and celebrate Yom Teruah (the holy day of blowing shofar/trumpets), we are reminded of the inevitable return of King Jesus and the subsequent, quintessential, end-time judgement of the living and the dead. Interestingly, when we blow the shofar/trumpet, we also remind God to be merciful to us by granting salvation and blessing instead of the damnation that we all deserve. In the midst of all this there is also the Judgement Seat of Messiah, where we are made accountable for how we lived our lives in His grace. Thank you for joining us in this holy day of our God!