The Mark of the Beast or the Mark of God Part 2

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

Download: The Mark of the Beast or the Mark of God Part 2

In every great crisis, people get concerned about the mark of the beast. The mark of the beast is once again on the minds of believers due to the world-wide pandemic and social unrest. This week, we will be discussing the mark of the beast and addressing a few questions related to this topic. What is the mark of the beast and who receives it? What is the mark of the God and who receives it? Which mark do you have?

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The Mark of the Beast or the Mark of God

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

Download: The Mark of the Beast or the Mark of God

In every great crisis, people get concerned about the mark of the beast. The mark of the beast is once again on the minds of believers due to the world-wide pandemic and social unrest. This week, we will be discussing the mark of the beast and addressing a few questions related to this topic. What is the mark of the beast and who receives it? What is the mark of the God and who receives it? Which mark do you have?

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When Anxiety Attacks

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Download: When Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety is a state of apprehension, uncertainty, and fear resulting from the anticipation of a realistic or fantasized threatening event or situation, often impairing physical and psychological functioning (American Heritage Dictionary). Are you experiencing regular bouts of anxiety? Do you have a loved one who is plagued with this? What if we told you that you could be free of this and find a real peace that would guard your mind and mental health? In this teaching, we will give you real answers and solutions that have worked for millions of people who have suffered from this debilitating mental illness. You too will find hope, faith, and freedom!

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Forming a Blessed Nation for All

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

Download: Forming a Blessed Nation for All

There are no perfect nations. They all have strengths and weaknesses. They all have blessings and curses.  The question is, how can we help our nation come more fully into blessings for all? Today, on the birthdate of our nation, we will look at some ways we can make our nation blessed again.

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Spiritual Warfare: Holy Ground and Sacred Space Part 2

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

Download: Spiritual Warfare: Holy Ground and Sacred Space Part 2

Did you know that you can reclaim geography for the Kingdom of God? In Messiah, you are sacred space and where you reside can also be redeemed and reclaimed as sacred space. Today we will look into how we can do this as part of our battle with evil in our world.

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Spiritual Warfare: Holy Ground and Sacred Space

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

Download: Spiritual Warfare: Holy Ground and Sacred Space

Cosmic geographical domain theology represents the idea that the evil one and his hordes rule and reign over physical spaces. Those spaces include people and geography that once belonged to the Creator. Jesus represents the Creator’s Divine Invader who comes into our world to reclaim and redeem space and time. This work is cast in the metaphor of kingdom and war. It is the battle between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness, good and evil, righteousness and wickedness, right and wrong, truth and lies, the pure and impure,and the clean and the unclean. Not only is heaven and the underworld caught up in this struggle but so is the earth and everyone residing on it. Where are you in this conflict? What kingdom are you in? Are you sacred space or under the dominion of the evil one? Is your residence sacred space or is it occupied by harassing unclean spirits? Today we will take a closer look at the dynamics of reclaiming your being and your residence, making them sacred and peaceful spaces!

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Spiritual Warfare: Reclamation and Restoration

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

Download: Spiritual Warfare: Reclamation and Restoration

The Word says that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.  Most are seduced, deceived and deluded with lies that hold them captive to and in misery under the rule and reign of Satan, the King of Darkness. There is no hope, only confusion, pain, and torment.  Without the light of Messiah, people will perish in their sin and shame.  We who have the light of Messiah, also have the responsibility to invade the realms of darkness where souls are enslaved through sin and bring the message of hope, life, and happiness.  In order to accomplish this, we will need to confront and break the forces of darkness and powers of wickedness that have claimed the lives of our brothers and sisters.  They will not hand over a single soul without a fierce battle.  Therefore, you and I must get equipped with the principles of spiritual warfare from a biblical perspective.  Today we will look into our position and authority in our mission to set the captive free.

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Spiritual Warfare: Let's Talk Liberation

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

Download: Spiritual Warfare: Let's Talk Liberation

At Babel, God scattered godless rebellious people, assigned them to geographical domains, and placed them under fallen gods who would abuse them. However, after a period of time He would offer mercy, salvation, and deliverance to them.  But when, and how? Seeing that He is King of kings and Lord of lords, He will ultimately reclaim His fallen creation.  He will come and extend His Kingdom rule and reign on earth as it is in heaven. But this will not happen without clashes and battles with the gods of the world.  In fact, the powers of evil will not yield people nor domains without violent warfare.  The bad news is we all are in the middle of this cosmic battle between good and evil.  The good news is we are on the winning side.  So, please continue with us on this journey of learning about spiritual warfare and how we are to battle against forces of darkness, evil principalities, and ruthless spiritual authorities who seduce people to help them accomplish their destructive plans for us and the world we live in.

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At Babel, God scattered godless rebellious people, assigned them to geographical domains, and placed them under fallen gods who would abuse them. However, af...

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Pentecost (Shavuot) – Israel’s History of Marriage to God

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

Download: Pentecost (Shavuot) – Israel’s History of Marriage to God

Pentecost, also known as Shavuot, has two noteworthy happenings in the history of the world. The first is when Israel became God’s treasured people through a covenant described as a marriage. This took place under Moses approximately 3500 years ago but it sadly ended in a tragic divorce due to her ongoing adultery. The second great Pentecost was when God, through Yeshua, offered a new covenant and a remarriage to Israel. He also poured out His Spirit enabling her to represent Him and His glorious Kingdom here on earth as it is in Heaven. Today, we memorialize Pentecost! As believers in Yeshua, we participate with Jewish believers as Israel, the treasured people of God. In addition, we represent His Kingdom and His way of life as revealed in the Ten Commandments. As we celebrate Pentecost, may we realize who we are and what we are called to do. Happy Shavuot and Happy Pentecost!

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Spiritual Warfare: Warring Well

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

Download: Spiritual Warfare: Warring Well

Spiritual liberty precedes and brings about physical liberty. Physical liberty lends opportunity to pursue our dreams and hopes. All of this begins when we receive Jesus in our hearts as our Savior and King. He is the liberator from sin and shame, tyranny and misery! He grants to us life in abundance. However, this gift is consistently under attack from the evil one. Jesus said that the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. His schemes are designed to rob us of life, liberties, and happiness. He has been and continues to be a murderer and father of lies. He and his agenda are an existential threat to every believer on this earth. Knowing who he is, his tactics, and his domain will go a long way in overcoming this peril. In overcoming the evil one and his agenda, we can live freely and meaningfully. Join us as we take an exciting look at spiritual warfare from a Hebraic perspective.

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Spiritual liberty precedes and brings about physical liberty. Physical liberty lends opportunity to pursue our dreams and hopes. All of this begins when we r...

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Wells of Faith

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

Download: Wells of Faith

Isaac’s life story is a powerful and beautiful example of how to chart a course of success, peace, and prosperity in the midst of a widespread, existential threat.  His solutions and strategies were counter intuitive and for many, just plain crazy. Yet, while everyone all around him was experiencing devastation, he was experiencing the blessings associated with walking in the ways of the Lord.  No matter what this world threw at him, it would not stick. He continued to rise and grow stronger.  How?  What were his strategies?  How did he overcome the obstacles?  Why did he rise and prosper when everyone around him were descending into misery and hopelessness?  If applied today, can these principles and strategies work for us? Join us and find out these crucial answers!

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Isaac's life story is a powerful and beautiful example of how to chart a course of success, peace, and prosperity in the midst of a widespread, existential t...

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Courage Street

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

Download: Courage Street

Freedom within leads to freedom all around! God desires us to move from the bondage of sin and shame into the liberty of His forgiveness and love. It all starts with a life changing encounter with His son, Yeshua the Messiah. From there, it begins to transform us. Through this personal transformation of our lives, everything and everyone around us is impacted for the good; for freedom, and the pursuit of happiness. Together, with the message of Jesus and His Kingdom, we can spread this life-giving liberty throughout our world. Together we can set the captives free as we advance the Kingdom of His love! Take a ride on courage street as we study the book of Joshua and the call of the Lord to have transformational courage!

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Freedom within leads to freedom all around! God desires us to move from the bondage of sin and shame into the liberty of His forgiveness and love. It all sta...

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Let Freedom Ring

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

Download: Let Freedom Ring

Bondage and slavery are the seedbed of misery and death.  God’s will is that His children live lives free of oppression, control, and forced servitude.  His strong desire is that we live lives full of life, liberty, purpose, and adventure! This world and its ruler will always try and take these from you.  Evil is a liar, a thief, a tyrant and a killer.  We are at war with evil and her offspring in every generation.  We must be forever vigilant. If we want God’s will for us, we must do our part in liberating ourselves and others from this spirit of tyranny and injustice.

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Coronavirus: Faith, Hope, and the Promises of God

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

Download: Coronavirus: Faith, Hope, and the Promises of God

The COVID-19 disease is a global plague that will take many twists and turns in the weeks, months and perhaps years to come. Our world will never be the same. How the world is reacting to it is typical and as Pastor Mark will explain, not very effective. What about a Biblical perspective? The bigger question is, where is God in all of this? What is He doing? Finally, what can we expect to happen in our near future?

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Why We Must Remember the Holocaust

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

Download: Why We Must Remember the Holocaust

On Tuesday, April 21st, 2020 the United States will remember the Holocaust where approximately 6 million Jews were persecuted, assaulted, enslaved in labor camps and ultimately burned in the ovens of Hitler’s Third Reich. This Shabbat, we will take a brief look at four biblical areas related to the Holocaust.

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On Tuesday, April 21 , 2020 the United States will remember the Holocaust where approximately 6 million Jews were persecuted, assaulted, enslaved in labor ca...

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First Fruits – The Beginning of the New Creation

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

Download: First Fruits – The Beginning of the New Creation

First Fruits is one of the three holy days which occurs in the week of Passover. It marks the first harvest of spring. It is the day we are accepted as the children of God. This is initially fulfilled in the resurrection of Jesus. Join us as we explore this holy day of Passover week and how it is inextricably tied to Shavuot/Pentecost. You will be inspired and empowered by this teaching.

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First Fruits is one of the three holy days which occurs in the week of Passover. It marks the first harvest of spring. It is the day we are accepted as the c...

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Jesus and the Holy Week of Passover

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

Download: Jesus and the Holy Week of Passover

The Biblical Holy Days are deeply intriguing and fulfilling. They are the story of human redemption brought about by Yeshua, the Savior of the world, King of kings, and Lord of lords! In this teaching we will continue our series on the spring Holy Week called Passover. The week begins with the Passover sacrifice on the afternoon of the 14th of Nissan and transitions into the Passover meal eaten on the eve of the 15th of Nissan (the first day of Unleavened Bread). This marks the beginning of the seven-day feast of Unleavened Bread (15th-21st of Nissan). This Holy week marks and commemorates the death of the Lamb of God, His burial, and His resurrection on the third day. It also initiates the counting of the Omer which inextricably ties Passover with Shavuot - 50 days later. There more glory and grace in this week that any of us can ever imagine. These are our days of deliverance, freedom, peace and joy. All of these made possible by Yeshua the Lamb of God – Our Passover Sacrifice!

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Passover and The Lamb of God

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

Download: Passover and The Lamb of God

When John the Baptist saw Yeshua, he exclaimed, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29)! This metaphor and imagery of a lamb belonging to God who takes away sin comes from the Torah. Just as the lamb in Exodus provided a covering for the Israelites, Yeshua provides an eternal covering for each person. More than a covering, Yeshua completely removes and takes away the sin of those who believe in Him and who call upon His Name. Join us as we explore the ancient background and antecedent theology of the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!

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When John the Baptist saw Yeshua, he exclaimed, "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29)! This metaphor and imagery of a la...

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Coronavirus: A Spiritual Action Plan

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God has promised to be our protector, physician, healer, and sustainer. In this teaching we will look at the power of covenant, faith, obedience, and prayer ...

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God has promised to be our protector, physician, healer, and sustainer. In this teaching we will look at the power of covenant, faith, obedience, and prayer as strategies to battle and triumph over adversity in our lives and world we live in. Please join us in learning about and implementing the power of God in overcoming illnesses and diseases including “coronavirus”.

Coronavirus: A Spiritual Perspective

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Does the Bible have anything to say about how we should live in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic? What does the Torah say about how to deal with peril a...

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Does the Bible have anything to say about how we should live in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic? What does the Torah say about how to deal with peril and crisis?  How can we help each other?  What about the power of God to heal?  These questions and others are addressed in this teaching.  You will be encouraged and reassured with this information as you live by faith rather than fear! Thanks for joining us in this endeavor.