Ruling and Reigning in Messiah Today

Weekly Service

The long-awaited Kingdom of God came to earth 2000 years ago with the first advent of Yeshua the Messiah. Since then, it has been growing as prophesied in the parable of the mustard seed. Today, “approximately 2.38 billion people practice some form of Christianity globally. This means that about one-third of the world’s total population is Christian (World Population Review)”. This tells us Christians have become the largest religious group in the world, just as Messiah prophesied in the parable of the mustard seed. But what does this mean for and require of his followers today? Join us in doing our part to advance His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven!

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Resisting Tyrants Today

Weekly Service

Evil has been in our world from our beginning. It was introduced by the Serpent. Our original parents opened the door to it and now it has multiplied exponentially. The remedy to this is the Messiah and His people. We are the answer and bulwark against evil. Right now, more than ever, we must rise up by God’s power and confront and overcome this diabolical intrusion into our lives, nation, and world we live in. With continued prayer, unity, action, and sacrifice on our part, we can not only persevere but also triumph over the darkness of this world. Come join us in advancing the Kingdom of Messiah here and where you live.

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Torah - The Bedrock of All Scripture

Weekly Service

This is the season of celebrating the conclusion and restart of the annual Torah reading cycle. This Shabbat, we will celebrate the Torah as the bedrock of all Scripture. Even the Apostolic Scriptures rely on these books of Moses for legitimacy. In fact, it is almost impossible to understand the words of Jesus and His Apostles without the foundational five books of Moses. Therefore, we will exalt and commemorate these indispensable texts, for without them, our Scriptures are diminished and anemic at best.

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From the Tabernacle to Bethlehem Part 2

Weekly Service

Perhaps the most joyous holy week given to us from God is Sukkot (also known as Tabernacles). The reason becomes obvious when one considers the connections between Tabernacles and the prophesied birth of Messiah. If there was ever a time and a theological setting for celebrating Jesus' entrance into our world, it is Tabernacles. So get your Sukkah ready and decorate it to the hilt, for unto us a child is born and He will be called Immanuel for He is God with us!

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From the Tabernacle to Bethlehem

Weekly Service

Perhaps the most joyous holy week given to us from God is Sukkot (also known as Tabernacles). The reason becomes obvious when one considers the connections between Tabernacles and the prophesied birth of Messiah. If there was ever a time and a theological setting for celebrating Jesus' entrance into our world, it is Tabernacles. So get your Sukkah ready and decorate it to the hilt, for unto us a child is born and He will be called Immanuel for He is God with us!

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Satan, Azazel, and Yom Kippur Part 2

Weekly Service

One of the most intriguing things about Yom Kippur is the mystery surrounding the two goats; one for the LORD and the other for Azazel. What or who is Azazel? How does Azazel factor into the Day of Atonement? How is all of this fulfilled in Yeshua the Messiah? And most importantly, how does this relate to me? We will explore the two goats and Yom Kippur in this teaching.

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Satan, Azazel, and Yom Kippur

Weekly Service

One of the most intriguing things about Yom Kippur is the mystery surrounding the two goats; one for the LORD and the other for Azazel. What or who is Azazel? How does Azazel factor into the Day of Atonement? How is all of this fulfilled in Yeshua the Messiah? And most importantly, how does this relate to me? We will explore the two goats and Yom Kippur in this teaching.

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How Does One “Come Out” of Babylon?

Weekly Service

Last week we presented from Revelation 18 the paradigm for understanding how a nation can become a Babylon and the mandate from God to us, His people, to “come out of her”. But, what does that mean? Some have tired moving into communes (David Koresh). Some have moved out of the country (Jim Jones). Those applications obviously did not work out. Let us dive deeper into what it means to come out of these beastly superpowers. Join us in this ongoing teaching and application of how to live under a corrupt, immoral, and tyrannical regime.

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Yom Teruah and The Mark of the Beast

Weekly Service

Yom Teruah is an annual holy day in the fall and is the day of sounding the shofar/trumpet. It has many meanings, and one is to remind us that our King is the Judge and Savior of all creation. His judgments will result in punishments or in rewards depending on whether, in this life, a person chooses good or evil, righteousness or wickedness, the light versus the darkness. This year we will look at Yom Teruah through the lens of the 7 trumpets in the book of Revelation. They herald both terrifying judgments for those who receive the Mark of the Beast and exemptions for those who are sealed on their foreheads with the Mark of God. Your mark predetermines either judgment or reward. What mark do you have?

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Today’s Beast System and How to Overcome it

Weekly Service

The Book of Revelation gives us the blueprint for what to do when empires become beastly systems filled with immorality, corruption, and are bent on subjugating us with their evil agendas. If followed, the blueprint leads to victory and freedom. If neglected, we stumble headlong into the darkness, chaos, slavery, and misery so characteristic of the great dragon and his beastly governments. Join us this Shabbat as we begin to unpack the blueprint for overcoming today’s beast system. You are not going to want to miss this series!

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Bringing Hope to a Hopeless World - Part Two

Weekly Service

Jesus has commissioned us to be dealers of hope. As we reach out to give hope to people whom God has put in our lives, we will find that some will not be interested, others will get excited but afterwards fall away, but some will embrace the hope offered by Jesus and enter His Kingdom to experience true life both now and for eternity. Your rewards for sharing and leading people to Jesus the Savior of the world, will overtake you and follow you into the age to come. This is what it means to follow Jesus. Making disciples, baptizing them, and teaching them the mysteries of God’s Kingdom is the essential work of God. Are you a disciple? Are you making disciples? If not, become a disciple and join us in making disciples!

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Bringing Hope to a Hopeless World

Weekly Service

Jesus has commissioned us to be dealers of hope. As we reach out to give hope to people whom God has put in our lives, we will find that some will not be interested, others will get excited but afterwards fall away, but some will embrace the hope offered by Jesus and enter His Kingdom to experience true life both now and for eternity. Your rewards for sharing and leading people to Jesus the Savior of the world, will overtake you and follow you into the age to come. This is what it means to follow Jesus. Making disciples, baptizing them, and teaching them the mysteries of God’s Kingdom is the essential work of God. Are you a disciple? Are you making disciples? If not, become a disciple and join us in making disciples!

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Ted Pearce Concert

Weekly Service

Ted Pearce is in concert at The Harvest at 1pm MST! Based in Asheville, NC, Ted Pearce is best known for writing and performing a sub-genre of Christian music known as Messianic Praise & Worship, which features bible verses set to a mixture of Jewish folk, Klesmer, Mizrachi, and Yemenite musical themes. With fifteen releases since 1998, Ted is one of the better-known pioneers of this "new" ancient sound.

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Yeshua - The Torah in Living Color!

Weekly Service

Torah is the revelation of God to us. In it He discloses who He is, who we are, His plan of Redemption, and the age to come. This Torah has come to life and is embodied in Yeshua, the Son of God. He is the revelation of God! He is the redemption of God! He is the Torah, in living color! He is Immanuel - God with us! Believing in Him is believing in God. Following in His footsteps is what it means to Torah observant! Introducing Him to those around you is the very mission of Torah. Loving Him, introducing Him to others, and inviting them to those who are in community with Him is what it means to fulfill the Torah. Come and join us as we encounter the living Torah, and then bring Him to those around us!

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Bringing Order and Blessing into Local Churches

Weekly Service

Through order and purpose God brings blessing into creation. This is also true for Israel (the Lord's Congregation/Church). He brings order, purpose, and blessing to the Church through various offices and functions. We have noted in the previous series that Messiah gave the Church five different ecclesiastical offices that intersect and overlap. These offices are designed to help the Church become stable, healthy, and self-replicating. Today we are going focus on how five fold ministry gets established in a local church and in turn brings order and blessing.

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Building the Church One Dinner at a Time

Weekly Service

Most people who come to Messiah and to church, come through an acquaintance. Using dinner parties on Friday or Saturday to birth and foster relationships is an ancient way of building the community of Messiah. We see this modeled in the life of Messiah and His disciples. Today we will look at how we can use this model to reach our acquaintances for Messiah as we collaborate with Him in building His church.

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Our Threefold Mandate: Yeshua, Baptism, and the Torah

Weekly Service

Yeshua gave us authority and power to fulfill a threefold mandate. We are called to to make disciples, baptize them and teach them Torah. That's it! It is a succinct and simple mandate. In this teaching, we will begin to unpack these three aspects of our Kingdom mission and purpose. As we each participate in doing these three things, we will change the world around us as we join Yeshua in advancing His Kingdom on this earth as it is in heaven.

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Five Types of Spiritual Leaders in Messiah’s Community – Pastors and Teachers

Weekly Service

We have been unpacking fivefold ministry as found in Ephesians 4. We have looked briefly at the Apostles, Prophets, and Evangelists and how they all have have their roots in the TaNaK. In this teaching we will give an overview of the Pastor and Teacher. The Pastor and Teacher are probably the most familiar offices today. However, all five ascension offices are needed to advance the Kingdom of Messiah on earth as it is in heaven. If you enjoy this and other teachings, be sure to like this video and subscribe to this channel. Thank you for supporting and joining us in this Kingdom work!

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The Ten Commandments of Fatherhood

Weekly Service

In a day when everything is being turned upside down and redefined, fatherhood stands against it all. If it were not for godly fathers, where would our world be today? In this teaching we will look at the ten commandments of fatherhood. You will be inspired, challenged and thankful for this institution! May God bless all of our fathers as they make a way and lead us into our futures!

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Five Types of Spiritual Leaders - Evangelists

Weekly Service

We have been unpacking fivefold ministry as found in Ephesians 4. In our first two teachings we explored the definition, role, and function of the Apostle and Prophet. This week we will give an overview of the Evangelist. Like the Apostles and the Prophets there is a strong antecedent matrix for the Office of the Evangelist. These offices are needed to advance the Kingdom of Messiah on earth as it is in heaven. We think you will find it interesting how the Evangelists assist in building up the Church today.

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