Marriage and Family Part 3

Weekly Service

Marriage and family are a central part of God’s design for our world. Through marriage and family God brings meaning, purpose, life and blessing. Understanding His design will help us to strengthen and bless our homes, communities, and the nations we live in. This Shabbat, we will discuss the roles of men and women. God created human beings in His image. They are binary – male and female. They are fully equal in worth, dignity, and status, but uniquely different physically and psychologically. In addition, they have equally important but different roles in marriage. Join us as we explore the beautiful differences between the binary genders in the context of biblical marriage. In this teaching we will focus on women as wives.

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Marriage and Family Part 2

Weekly Service

Marriage and family are a central part of God’s design for our world. Through marriage and family God brings meaning, purpose, life and blessing. Understanding His design will help us to strengthen and bless our homes, communities, and the nations we live in. This Shabbat, we will discuss the roles of men and women. God created human beings in His image. They are binary – male and female. They are fully equal in worth, dignity, and status, but uniquely different physically and psychologically. In addition, they have equally important but different roles in marriage. Join us as we explore the beautiful differences between the binary genders in the context of biblical marriage. In this teaching we will focus on men as husbands.

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Marriage and Family Part 1

Weekly Service

Marriage and family are a central part of God’s design for our world. Through marriage and family God brings meaning, purpose, life and blessing. Understanding His design will help us to strengthen and bless our homes, communities, and the nations we live in. Joins us as we explore this design and learn principles of building strong marriages and families.

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The Power of the Spoken Word

Weekly Service

“Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven!” Jesus inaugurated the Kingdom of God here on earth approximately two thousand years ago. It is growing and advancing throughout this world. One of the primary dynamics that increase and moves the Kingdom is the spoken word. Coupled with faith, the spoken word ignites phenomena that brings about life giving change, both in our lives and the very world we live in. Join us as we take a closer look at the nature and power of the spoken word.

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Kingdom Authority

Weekly Service

The kingdom comes with authority. This authority manifests in many ways and some of those ways are what we call miracles! A miracle is an event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God. In this teaching, we will take a closer look into miracles and the authority of God to perform them.

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The Kingdom’s Torah

Weekly Service

A Kingdom includes a King, a Law (Torah), a people, geography, values, and a mission and vision. In this teaching, Pastor Mark will focus on the Law or Torah of the our King and His Kingdom. This Torah of King Jesus is for all those who have entered the Kingdom. It is what identifies and defines us. It is the way of life that King Jesus has given to us. So, let’s jump in and begin to live it out. It is who we are!

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The Church and The Kingdom

Weekly Service

We noted in the previous teaching, The People’s Kingdom, that Daniel prophesied that the Son of Man would receive God’s Kingdom and later would give it to His people. We discovered that His people were those Jews and later Gentiles who received Him as their King. esus called them His “little flock”. It was synonymous with the antecedent flock called the remnant of Israel in the TaNaK. This little flock is His ekklesia; His Church. It is His Church that receives the Kingdom. Join us as we take a closer look at the Church and The Kingdom and what it means for you.

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The People's Kingdom

Weekly Service

Part of the mystery of the Kingdom of God is that it is a spiritual Kingdom that is not of this world. To be sure, it is real! It has a king, a law, dominion, authority, power, and glory. But, because it is spiritual, most people cannot see it as they do not know what to look for. Once you know what to look for, you will see it all around. And if you choose to enter it, you will not only experience its wonders, but you will come to possess it authority, power, and glory.

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The Jesus Prayer

Weekly Service

Effectual prayer is the most powerful force for change in our world! Learning how to pray effectively is the key to overcoming this world and every evil thing in it. If we want to be representatives of Jesus and bring healing and restoration to all around us, we will need to learn the art of prayer. Jesus gave us the blueprint for successful prayer if you will. It is the paradigm for successful prayer. It will move the mountains of lies, hurts, misery, and death in this world of ours. It will give hope to the hopeless and peace to those in torment. So, let’s learn this ancient art of transformation as we introduce the hurting to the One who heals.

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When the Messiah Became King

Weekly Service

This is the second in a series on the Kingdom of God. In the previous teaching, we discovered that Jesus central message and work was to usher in and establish the long-awaited Kingdom of God on earth as it is in Heaven. He called this the Gospel of God. It all began with Him nearly 2000 years ago. This Kingdom is still growing and will come into its glorious phase when Jesus returns. In this teaching, we will look at when Jesus the Messiah becomes King over His Father’s Kingdom and what that means for His followers.

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The Gospel of Jesus

Weekly Service

When Christian believers think of the essential message of Jesus, they think of things like love, forgiveness, grace, justice, and mercy. If we are Messianic believers, we tend to think it was Israel, the Torah and the Prophets, or perhaps the covenant of Moses. Would it surprise you to discover it was none of these things? Most believers are surprised and inspired when they find out what Jesus Himself said His core message was. Join us as we explore His life giving and empowering fundamental message!

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Where Heaven and Earth Intersect

Weekly Service

Does heaven intersect and interact with earth? The human heart is preoccupied with heaven. It is something each of us are intrigued by and have questions about. Join us in this series on heaven and earth as we explore the gateway to heaven!

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Is Christmas a Syncretism?

Weekly Service

Are we all free to worship God any way we want, with any traditions we want? Can we choose our own worship days? Does He care as long as our hearts are right toward Him? During this season of Hanukkah (re-dedication to the God and His ways), what does He say about worship forms and worship days? If we are re-dedicating our lives to His word and ways than this issue of worship is truly important. Joins us as we explore the truth, blessings, and glory of His ways.

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We Need a Hanukkah Movement

Weekly Service

As we close the Hanukkah season, it is important to see the lessons it leaves for us today. Hanukkah is the story of God’s people turning their backs on His ways and embracing the customs and traditions of the nations. In response, God empowers godless tyrants to strip His people of their freedoms and to persecute them. After transgression and subsequent judgment takes place, the people awaken, join a resistance, and return to the Law of God as a way of life. It is in the context of repentance and re-dedication that God responds in mercy, overthrows the tyrants, and re-establishes His people’s freedoms and blessings. Join us as we explore Daniel’s prophecy, the times we are living in, and how to apply the principles of Hanukkah in garnering freedom, peace, and happiness today.

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Hanukkah: Light in the Darkness

Weekly Service

The primary symbol of Hanukkah is light. These is seen in one of the main symbols of Hanukkah, the Hanukah Menorah. As the years past from the historical hanukkah events, this festival came to be known as the Festival of Light by the time of Yeshua. Yeshua made the point of traveling 4 to 5 days to Jerusalem in the winter to be at the Hanukkah celebration. Why? He is the Light of God and the Light of our World! In is in this very setting that He reveals for the first time who He really is. The idea of light in the scriptures was in important in the past and today. In Him we are lit up like Hanukkah menorahs with the life of God! In fact, we become menorahs that light up the world around us. Through the light of Messiah in us, the lost are finding their way home, the sick are being healed, and the addicts are being set free form their bondage. So, light a Hanukkah menorah and celebrate Yeshua, the Light of God who has come to enlighten everyone everywhere! Happy Hanukkah and a very merry Festival of Light!

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Jesus and the Hanukkah Connection

Weekly Service

One of the best kept secrets of the Apostolic Scriptures is Hanukkah! Most believers are surprised to find out that Hanukkah is referenced in the Apostolic Scriptures and especially in direct relationship to Jesus. So, what is Hanukkah? Why did Jesus make His way to Jerusalem in the winter to be at the festival of light and dedication? Was it just a coincidence, or was it on purpose? Join us as we explore the mysteries of the Jesus - Hanukkah connection.

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Jesus and The Biblical Calendar

Weekly Service

Our Father in Heaven has given us an annual calendar replete with fixed times to celebrate His Son and the redemption He has secured for those who believe. The calendar functions in different ways for us. It reveals the cycle of redemption and sanctification. It also unveils and reveals the glory of who Jesus is along with His mission here and in the age to come. As we understand, keep, observe, and celebrate the appointed times of this sacred heavenly calendar, Jesus is introduced to all those around us and in our circles of influence. It is in the observance of this calendar that people get to encounter and experience the presence of Jesus, who is Savior and King of everyone and everything. Join us in this annual dance of redemption as found and experienced in our Father’s Holy Calendar.

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Abraham and Sarah – Faith Overcomes the World

Weekly Service

Faith overcomes all obstacles. It is a power that the world cannot overcome. It is the very thing that captures the heart and favor of God. It is what secures all His promises to us. Abraham and Sarah are a paradigm of that faith. In them and their story we learn what faith looks like and how it operates. Join us as we learn about faith and how to release it in our lives and world that we live in.

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Abraham and Sarah – The First Missionaries

Weekly Service

The Scriptures make it clear that Abraham and Sarah are our spiritual father and mother. We are admonished to look to them as role models and mentors. When it comes to our mission and mandate to share the gospel of the kingdom with all people, we can learn a lot from Abraham and Sarah. After all, they are the first missionaries of the good news of God’s redemption, rule, and reign. Join us today as we explore these first and consummate missionaries!

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Abraham and Sarah - Our Spiritual Father and Mother

Weekly Service

Over the course of history, we have been told to look at many different leaders and theologians as role models in the area of spirituality and religion. We have been told men like Ignatius, Justin Martyr, and Barnabas are our spiritual fathers.We have been told that popes, priests, and nuns are our spiritual fathers and mothers. But the Lord Himself has made it clear that we are to look elsewhere for our spiritual father and mother as well as for spiritual mentorship. We are to set our gaze upon Abraham and Sarah, which is a game changer when it comes to reward and destiny. Join us as we continue to explore the lives of the spiritual father and spiritual mother of all believers – Abraham and Sarah.

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