Holiness in Apparel

Weekly Service

Holiness is the way we live our lives as believers rising out of our identity in God. It is the very thing that engages and safeguards blessing in our lives. Everyone who is born of the Holy Spirit pursues holiness. It is who we are.Therefore, we embrace it with great joy and thanksgiving. In this teaching we will explore what holiness in apparel looks like and how it relates to gender.

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Holiness as a Way of Life

Weekly Service

Holiness is the way we live our lives as believers rising out of our identity in God. It is the very thing that engages and safeguards blessing in our lives. Everyone who is born of the Holy Spirit pursues holiness. It is who we are.Therefore, we embrace it with great joy and thanksgiving. Now, let’s explore what it means to be “holy” on God’s terms.

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Prospering in Times of Judgment

Weekly Service

This nation has long turned it's face from God and in response, it seems as though God's covering has been removed from us. Judgement is pouring on to this country. What does this mean for us who believe and have not turned our faces from the Almighty? It is important that the Body is reminded that God is sovereign over this world and all that happens. His promises are true and independent of our circumstances. He guides us to find stability amid chaos. In addition to this understanding, God gives us specific responsibilities to fulfill in the good times and the bad times. Join us as we explore our God-given responsibilities and learn how to find God's prosperity in times of great difficulty!

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Anti-Christs Today

Weekly Service

The Apostle John saw Anti-Christs everywhere! He is the one who constructs a view of Anti-Christs that often is overlooked or misunderstood. While most believers are looking for THE Anti-Christ, John focuses on all the lessor Anti-Christs that are around us (even, at times, in our congregations). Join us as we explore this ever-present threat and how to dismantle it.

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Planted and Thriving

Weekly Service

The Apostle John paints a beautiful picture of community and its benefits. It all begins with the incarnation of Jesus, the light and word, of God. In Him we have life, community, purpose, and meaning. As we join in local communal groups, we enjoy protection from the schemes of the enemy and the seductions of this evil world we live in. In community we live and thrive as God intended. Join us as we continue to explore the wisdom and purpose of faith communities.

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Life Wins

Weekly Service

Light is a metaphor for true abundant life. It is eternal in that it is an essential part of the nature of God. This light brings and imparts life, a forever life! It is a life abundant in meaning, purpose, and blessing. It begins when we embrace Yeshua as our Lord and Savior and never ends! Join us as we continue explore these transformational ideas in the Letters of John.

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Experiencing God’s Presence

Weekly Service

God’s presence makes us whole! In Him we are saved and delivered from the dark, cruel haunts of this world. In His presence and under His compassionate reign, we begin the journey of experiencing life as He intended it for us. Acceptance, healing, belonging, and new beginnings are just a few of the experiences awaiting us. Yes, there will always be fiery challenges in this life, but with God’s presence we can overcome all of them as we immerse ourselves in His love, power, and presence. Join us as we explore this gift of His presence the letters of the Apostle John!

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Your Spiritual Advisor

Weekly Service

Life is complicated! It is replete with challenges, trials, and tribulations. How will you navigate its paths? How will you overcome its difficulties? Jesus gives to His followers the gift of the Holy Spirit. In addition to being God, the Holy Spirit is the superlative personal advocate, advisor, guardian, and guide! With the Holy Spirit in you, you will immediately begin to overcome this world and experience a life abundant with blessing, meaning, and purpose. Join us as we learn how to relate to and grow in our relationship with the Holy Spirit!

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The Baptism of The Holy Spirit

Weekly Service

The goal of salvation is to be reconciled and in fellowship with God! In the salvation experience, we are given the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God’s presence in us. It imparts life and life abundantly. It is available to every believer in Jesus. Join us as we learn how to be immersed in God’s presence!

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The Torah and The Spirit

Weekly Service

Shavuot/Pentecost memorializes the gift of the Holy Spirit and the Torah as a way of life for the redeemed. On this festival (generally), Rabbinic Jews celebrate the giving of the Torah and Christians celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. Messianic Jews and Messianic Gentiles commemorate both! As a result, we have a gospel that not only saves but transforms a person's life. Being born again is the beginning, not the end of the journey. Join us as we discover a way of life that is full of meaning and blessing!

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We the People!

Weekly Service

Being chosen to be His people is the easy part. Actualizing the call is another matter. Yes, it is true that God loves us and has called us to participate in and as His chosen people, but, if we do not respond in faith, that experience will never transpire and in the end will be wasted. What good is being chosen if one does not respond, fulfill, and experience what that means? Join us as we explore how and what it means to respond and thus become part of His treasured people.

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Fashioned to be His People

Weekly Service

God is choosing, redeeming, and taking a people for Himself. It is through them that redemption will come to all the nations. But, in order to be His vessel, we all must pass the tests set before us. The challenges are orchestrated by God and designed to shape and fashion us to be His Holy people. We are called to represent Him and His redemption to a lost and fallen civilization. Only together, in unity, can we become His holy people.

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With God, All Things are Possible!

Weekly Service

With God, your future is unstoppable! It does not matter what you are up against, the universe bows at the altar of those whose faith is in God and His Messiah. This is seen clearly in the story of the Exodus. Join us in this series as we learn the principles of overcoming all the odds against us. You will not look at life the same way again!

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50 Days to Transformation

Weekly Service

Within the holy week of Passover, we have a task to accomplish that inextricably ties together two great festivals; Passover and Shavuot. We are commanded to count for 50 days which brings us to Shavuot. It is if God is saying, I brought you out in order to bring you in! I brought our ancestors out of the slavery of Egypt and into the freedom of the Promised land. What would that mean for us today under the second and greater Exodus in Messiah. And what would that mean under the second and greater Pentecost in Messiah? Come and join us in exploring these questions.

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Passover: The Killing of Jesus

Weekly Service

The Holy Week of Passover memorializes forever the sacrificial death of Jesus, the Passover Lamb of God. So important was his death that it became central to Messianic Judaism and later Christianity as seen in the Passover Seder, the Catholic Eucharist, and the Protestant Communion. In the words of the Apostle Paul, "For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus in the night in which He was betrayed took bread; and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “This is My body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” In the same way He took the cup also after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood; do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes" (1 Corinthians 11:23-26). His death, rather than His resurrection, was to be the emphasis for all believers, in every place, and in every generation. Join is to find out why!

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Passover: The Resurrection of Jesus

Weekly Service

The Holy Week of Passover memorializes many things, one of which is the spectacular resurrection of Jesus, the Passover Lamb of God! But what does that mean for us who believe? Join us as we explore the reverberations and ramifications of His rising!

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Passover: The Physical and the Spiritual

Weekly Service

There is an old and a new Passover spoken of throughout the Scriptures; a first and second one. Just like there is a first and second Moses and an old and new covenant. They are all connected and all interwoven. The first and second Passover finds its fullness in Yeshua, the Passover Lamb of God! In Him we have a new and greater Passover, a new and loftier exodus, a new and better covenant. “To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever” (Rev. 5:13).

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Jonah: the Audacious Prophet

Weekly Service

In part two of this series, we encounter the pride of Jonah. We get to see why he was unruly, angry, and in the throws of suicidal ideation. In spite of all his shortcomings, God loves and uses him for His glory. We also discover the Jonah-Jesus connection. It is this very story that reveals so much about Jesus and His mission. Join us as we traverse the twist and turns of the life of Jonah the audacious Prophet!

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Jonah: to Hell and Back

Weekly Service

The story of the historical Jonah is borderline unbelievable; at best a fantasy designed to communicate the heart of God to forgive and bless people. But, what if it is historically true? Then, and only then, would it become the sign of Jesus' claim of being the Messiah. In other words, if Jonah actually died and descended into hell (sheol) and then was raised from the dead and subsequently, brought the great metropolis of Nineveh to repentance and salvation, how much more would Jesus accomplish once God raised him from the dead? Join us as we learn about the sign of Jonah and the Jesus, Jonah connection.

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Marriage and Family Part 4

Weekly Service

Marriage and family are a central part of God’s design for our world. Through marriage and family God brings meaning, purpose, life and blessing. Understanding His design will help us to strengthen and bless our homes, communities, and the nations we live in. This Shabbat, we will discuss the roles of men and women. God created human beings in His image. They are binary – male and female. They are fully equal in worth, dignity, and status, but uniquely different physically and psychologically. In addition, they have equally important but different roles in marriage. Join us as we explore the beautiful differences between the binary genders in the context of biblical marriage. In Part 4, we will finish our teaching on women as wives and the family as the very basis for culture and society. May this teaching series on marriage and family bless and inspire you and yours.

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